Welcome to the 1st Ever BLOG CAT PAGEANT
Hi! I am your host, Chibby the Rat...I belong to Damasta
We have changed this around a little, since there are a lot of great contestents...This will now be a Beauty Pageant...
One pretty kitty will be crowned Miss/Mr. Blog Cat 2005...
Cats will be judged on the following criteria:
1)Prettiest Coat
2)Best Name
3)Best in Show
And the best thing? You, the audience, will vote!
We will narrow it down to one of each , and Nutty Blonde
will choose the overall winner...Miss or Mr. Blog Cat 2005!
Let's meet contestents!
Dim Sum and Boolicious
Remember...vote for one of each:
1)Prettiest Coat
2)Best Name
3)Best in Show
Happy Voting, and Good Luck, Cats!
Voting ends Tuesday 12AM Pacific Time
Oh no... I'm just gettin home :( think I missed my chance to enter!! maybe next time...sigh...
Oopsy Jinx you spelled my boys name wrong.
Like the Labyrinth Maze. That is because when he was kitten He had like a maze on his forehead.
No problem.
There are some cuties in the bunch.
ok prettiest coat: Bug
Best Name: Boolicious
Best of show: Izzy
1. Chloe
2. Susie
3. Susie
I have to vote for my own furballs
this is like a cat explosion!
1 Prettiest Coat - Susie
2 Best Name - Boolicious
3 Best in show - Shadow
That was really tough...need more "cat"egories! ok ok and it was hard not to vote for my own, but i'll give other pretties a chance hehehe
Ohhhhh this is hard, I'm more of a paw expert, but I will try....
Prettiest coat - Susie
Best name - Chloe
Best in show - Leo, (I have a connection to him for some reason, something in his eyes... however I give props to Gonzo for having to walk around with a baby attached to him !!
I vote for Bruno's Dead Rat for prettiest coat, Best name is my dog baxter, and Best of show is the turkey that meathead was holding on that hick's blog!
okeh okeh for real
Prettiest coat = IZZY
Best Name = Gizmo (love the gremlins)
Best in show = Chico that cat actually looks awesome!! and I hate cats!
is next the road kill competition, with Bruno's dead rat?
Prettiest cat Izzy
Best NAme Shadow
Best of show Izzy
That's why you get to vote, you are impartial, and friends with everyone!!!!
1 Prettiest Coat - Bug
2 Best Name - Izzy
3 Best in show - Cricket
I must vote at least once for my own kin!!! ;)
Prettiest coat - chloe
best name - chloe
best in show - chloe
And I'm not being bias since I know her personally.
However, if my kitties would have been entered, they would have won hands down!
Hope this works!
My Kitties
prettiest coat - bug
best name - cricket
best in show - 1/2 vote for bug, 1/2 vote for cricket
prettiest- izzy
best name- dim sum
best in show- gonzo. no question. he's so starving for attention, he'll put on a show for anyone.
Best Rat: Chibby
Best Coat: Chico
Best Name: Dim Son
Overall: Gizmo [he's a stud]
Hey LB, that's not you on the 605 being chased by the po-po is it?!
They're all good pics. I'd have to vote for my entry (shadow) in all categories which is biased and shouldn't count.
At least I got to show off my kat.
Oh well. I'll be sleeping when the winner is announed. Good luck to all.
Best in all catagories: Choloe!!!!
If my tiggy were here, he would win hands down too!
1. Leo
Can you vote for dead rats?
(1) Leo
(2) Chico
(3) Shadow
I vote for Gonzo (the one being pinned by the human toddler).
Design, your cats are adorable!!!
Susie looks just like my Chomba!!! What a BEAUTIFUL animal!!!
Thanks LB. They're crazy cats, but we still keep them around. If only I had known before....they would have won paws down! :)
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